Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2014

5/15 DAY OF GIVING Cedarville was given a huge challenge: If we as a University could raise $51,500 in a single day — May 15, a generous donor would give an additional $25,000 for scholarships. To accomplish this challenge, Cedarville held its first 24-hour social media giving challenge. Faculty, staff, alumni, and current students took to Facebook, Twitter, email, and the phone to ask family and friends to participate. By the end of the day, the goal for the giving amount, and our goal of 515 alumni donors, was blown out of the water! Our alumni and friends stepped up in a big way: Nearly 700 donors participated, raising a total of $128,376.03 ! Of the 700 who gave, 72 percent were alumni. Thank you for making this a huge success for Cedarville University and for being an encouragement to the entire campus. 85.7 Friends Alumni Recent Grads (2004–2014) 196 376 128 TOTAL DONORS (700) As the months and years passed after graduation, it took being back on campus recently to remind me what a treasure Cedarville is to me. I was thrilled to be at a place financially where I could be a part of the 5/15 challenge to help bless this institution that had become a precious home to me. Tisha (Tapp) Smith ’01 Cedarville Magazine | 33