Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2021
ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS Dannah (Barker) Gresh ’89 – Alumna of the Year Gresh is a best-selling author, having written 27 books . She and her husband, Bob ’88, f o u n d e d P u r e Freedom Ministries, o f f e r i ng r e s ou r c e s and programming to girls, boys, moms, and dads, on purity, godliness, and the transforming power of God’s Word. Deforia Lane – Honorary Alumna of the Year Lane has served on the Cedarvi l le Board of Trustees since 1997. She was a music therapist for more than 40 years and devoted her career to reaching hospice and hospitalized patients through music. Matthew McLain ’12 – Young Alumnus of the Year McLain teaches at The Mas t er s Un i ver s i t y i n L o s A n g e l e s , California. A young- earth paleontologist and part of the first c lass of Cedarv i l l e geology graduates, he regularly presents at conferences, publishes research, and advises Ph.D. students. CEDARVILLE ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Kelsey (Jones) Carter ’06 Carter was the award- winning setter on the 2005 National Christian C o l l e g e A t h l e t i c Association champion volleyball team. She was NCCAA National Player of the Year in 2004. Carter remains Cedarville’s all-time leader in assists with 6,662. Kari (Flunker) Hoffman ’05 Hoffman is the all-time leader in three-point shots made, three-point field goal percentage and assists for the Lady J a cke t s ba s ke t ba l l team. She served as head coach from 2016–2020, leading her team to three regular-season conference championships. Jason Scott ’07 Scott was a two-time NAIA indoor national champion in pole vault, and earned one outdoor championship. He is a five-time NAIA All- American. Scott served as assistant coach for both men’s and women’s track and field at Cedarville from 2013–2017. CELEBRATE ONE THOUSAND DAYS TRANSFORMED Cedarville Magazine | 7
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