Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2022

More than 40 years ago, God placed a desire to start a Christian nursing p r og r am i n t he hearts and minds of Cedarville University leadership. Then, on e b y on e , He brought godly faculty members to the thencol lege to make it happen. Cedarvi l le Magazine reached out to these founding faculty members to hear about their experiences. The nursing program could not have begun without the efforts of these dedicated faculty, and the School of Nursing owes a debt of gratitude to them for their perseverance and commitment to excellence. Hear from Irene Alyn, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Nursing and founding Chair (IA), Janet Conway, Senior Professor Emerita of Nursing and former Chair (JC), and Mark Klimek, Associate Professor Emeritus of Nursing (MK), as they share their experiences from building this program from the ground up. FOUNDING FACULTY Cedarville Magazine | 5