Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2023

Our culture is at a crossroads. We live in a society that has rejected its Creator. Turn on the evening news or scroll through your newsfeed and you’ll hear stories of people who are hostile toward the Gospel. What’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong. These are difficult times for Christians working in fields that are antiGod. None of this is a surprise to Him, though. In Matthew 24, Jesus foretold that “false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” And the Apostle Paul warns in 2 Timothy 3 of a time when people will be “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” Sound familiar? There’s never been a time more in need of biblically faithful education that speaks truth directly into the chaos of our culture. Nowhere do you see this chaos greater than in the fields of government, education, psychology, and the literary arts. Not so coincidentally, we offer programs in each of these fields at Cedarville University, taught through a biblical lens in stark contrast to the teachings of the world. We present truth from God’s Word that fights against the lies of the enemy and the distortions of the world, but it isn’t easy. In this issue of Cedarville Magazine, you’ll discover how Cedarville is preparing our students to stand firm in their faith at the crossroads of culture. You’ll read how our Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages is equipping students to translate Scripture into the languages of people groups that have no Bibles. You’ll meet an international studies professor who is serving in local government, modeling civic responsibility to his students while shining his light before men. You’ll learn how Cedarville’s psychology program is firmly anchored to a biblical worldview, which guides the framework for how we approach the subject and how we teach it here. You’ll read how our School of Education and Social Work faculty members are equipping future teachers to make a difference for Christ in public and Christian schools. And, you’ll read testimonies from alumni who are walking well, by God’s grace, in these challenging fields. We do not bring students onto our distinctly Christian campus to keep them from the world, but to prepare them for the world, equipping them to go out and make a Gospel impact. Now more than ever our culture needs Christ-followers who will boldly confront culture with truth. Now more than ever we must engage culture as we stand firm for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. In Christ, Thomas White President cedarville.edu/president @DrThomasWhite facebook.com/DrThomasWhite instagram.com/drthomaswhite linkedin.com/in/jthomaswhite FALL 2023 Volume 11 Issue 3 Editor Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86 Managing Editor Caroline (Tomlinson) Kimball ’22 Creative Director Chad Jackson ’05 Art Director and GraphicDesigner Craig Salisbury Photographer Scott Huck Copy Editor Michele (Cummings) Solomon ’91 ADMINISTRATION President Thomas White Senior Advisor to the President Loren Reno ’70 Chief of Staff Zach Bowden Vice President for Academics Thomas Mach ’88 Vice President for Advancement Will Smallwood Vice President for Business and Chief Financial Officer Christopher Sohn Vice President for Enrollment Management Scott Van Loo ’98 Vice President for Marketing and Communications Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86 Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries Jonathan Wood Vice President for Athletics Christopher Cross OUR MISSION Cedarville University transforms lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. OUR VISION For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Cedarville Magazine is published spring, summer, and fall and mailed free of charge to alumni and supporters of Cedarville University. 1-800-CEDARVILLE • cedarville.edu Direct inquiries and address changes to: Cedarville Magazine Cedarville University 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 cedarville.edu/magazine magazine@cedarville.edu 1-888-CEDARVILLE READ ONLINE! Visit cedarville.edu/magazineFA23 on your computer or mobile device. On the cover: Luke Tse is the Chair of the Department of Psychology at Cedarville University. He earned his PhD and Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE