Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2023

When most people think of politics, especially in Christian circles, the words that often come to mind are corruption, division, and darkness. Despite what the 24-hour news cycle may lead you to believe, however, politics is a profession that provides vast opportunities for living out the Gospel. I’m very grateful to Cedarville for teaching me the importance of Christian engagement in politics and for facilitating my own entrance into the career field. Through Cedarville’s D.C. Semester, I spent the fall of my junior year completing a political internship and learning about how our nation’s government works. It was during that semester that I witnessed faithful, Bible-believing Christians working in politics and applying their biblical worldview to their work, day after day. I decided that semester that I wanted to do the same. After graduating, I returned to Washington, D.C., and began working in the United States Senate, where I’ve worked for the past several years. During my time in politics, I’ve learned the importance of the small, ordinary practices that keep me rooted in Christ and faithful in living out the Gospel in my workplace. The rhythms of reading my Bible, spending time in prayer, having conversations with my wife about what God is teaching us, and being plugged in to our local church have kept me grounded and have been incredible sources of encouragement and spiritual growth. Despite the turbulence that may accompany politics at times, those practices remind me that my identity is not primarily in my political party affiliation, my job title, or the outcome of an election. My identity is in Christ. As surprising as it may seem, I’m also not the only one in Washington, D.C., who has that perspective. I’m incredibly grateful that D.C. and the surrounding areas of Virginia and Maryland are home to healthy, Gospelpreaching churches that are equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry and building up the body of Christ. These churches are full of Christians who want to love their neighbors as themselves, evangelize the lost, and follow the Lord faithfully. These brothers and sisters have been such a great example to my wife and me over the past several years, and their presence in and near D.C. is so important. Our country is better for it. While God may not call all of us into careers in politics, He calls all of us to be faithful with what He has entrusted to each of us. At the end of our lives, it won’t matter what career we chose or how much influence we obtained. Those aren’t the measures of success. It will only matter whether we hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Having that as our ultimate goal is how we remain steadfast in the Lord no matter the difficulty of our individual professions. We must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and ask Him for strength as we run the race and keep the faith. Jake Johnson ’21 is a Junior Legislative Assistant in the United States Senate. While God may not call all of us into careers in politics, He calls all of us to be faithful with what He has entrusted to each of us. 19