Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2023

In a world where culture is rapidly changing, the role of education is a crossroads between the convictions of educators and the culture around them. For Cedarville alumni like us, these crossroads are not theoretical, but something we experience every day. We have found ourselves at the crossroads of culture, where the principles and biblical truths we hold clash with the cultural norms and agendas. Driven by our faith, we have chosen to embrace the challenges of teaching in an environment that is becoming increasingly skeptical of Christian values. Through our dedication and by fostering meaningful connections with other Christian educators, we are learning how to navigate these uncharted waters. Having maintained a strong rapport with our former professors at Cedarville, we continue to learn and be pushed by their guidance. Their mentorship continues to encourage us to stand firm in our convictions and to think about the best ways to meet the needs of our students. God has given us a very unique opportunity, as we both got a job teaching the same grade at the same school. This has allowed us to share experiences, insights, and encouragement as we teach the same students. Navigating a post-Christian culture within the education system requires more than just delivering lessons; it demands building meaningful relationships with our students. Our professors at Cedarville encouraged us to show our students we care about them outside of the classroom. So far, it has been easy and rewarding to support our students in their extracurricular activities and personal endeavors. We hope this shows our students that we truly love and care about them, not only because they are students in our classroom, but because they have value that supersedes classroom data. By engaging them outside of the classroom, we hope to show them the love of Christ that seeks us out and to engage them with the truth of the Gospel. In an environment that often questions or undermines Christian values, we have found strength in staying true to our beliefs, being rooted in the Gospel, and finding Christian community within our school. Incorporating biblical truths into our classroom atmosphere encourages students to value themselves and others as Christ does. It has been a blessing to not only work with our spouse but to find other believers at our school as well. It is encouraging to know that after the year with our students is over, they will be sent to believers who will continue the work of loving and valuing the students as Christ would. As we reflect on our journey through the crossroads of culture in the field of education, we are reminded that the impact we make on our students is greater than us and extends far beyond the classroom. We recognize that our reliance on Christ is what propels everything. Every day, we need the Spirit to help us love our students like He does. We hope that at the end of each year, students would reflect on how much they were loved by us and one day realize it was Christ’s love all along. Andrew ’22 and Brooke (Bailey) Reinhard ’22 teach sixth grade at Greeneview Middle School in Jamestown, Ohio. As we reflect on our journey through the crossroads of culture in the field of education, we are reminded that the impact we make on our students is greater than us and extends far beyond the classroom. 21