Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2023

IN EVERY ISSUE FEATURES 02 OVERCOMING DARKNESS WITH LIGHT THOMAS WHITE — Our students are at a crossroads of a post-Christian culture and a commitment to biblical truth. At Cedarville, we prepare them not only to survive but also to thrive and shine as lights in the dark world we live in. Even in the midst of cultural chaos, we will never waver but stand firm for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 06 FROM THE CONFUSION OF BABEL TO THE LANGUAGE OF THE GREAT COMMISSION NICK CARRINGTON ’10 — Ever since the Tower of Babel, Christians have had the weighty task of translating the Bible into unknown languages. The Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages takes this call seriously — equipping students with the tools needed to go spread the Gospel among all nations. Language and cultural barriers make this a difficult task — our faculty and students are facing the difficulty head on. 10 A CALL FOR INTEGRITY AND GOSPEL INFLUENCE GLEN DUERR — Words like elections, government, and bureaucracy may bring a sense of dread to the believer. But Christians have the great responsibility of standing for truth in a world that can’t distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. Christianity in politics is not only possible but necessary. 14 PSYCHOLOGY THROUGH A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW LUKE TSE — Christianity and psychology are often at odds. But Cedarville University approaches psychology from a biblical foundation and scriptural lens in order to understand God’s design. Cedarville’s Department of Psychology does not abandon God’s Word but approaches science with belief in the sufficiency of Scripture. 18 MY STORY Hear from political science, English, and education graduates who share the realities of life at the crossroads of culture. 22 CULTURE CLASHES IN THE CLASSROOM KEVIN JONES — What’s the big deal about education? Our public schools are in a crisis — middle schoolers and high schoolers are facing the mental toll of our post-Christian society. Who’s to step in? It’s the Christian educators who pour their hearts and souls into the education and encouragement of our society’s most vulnerable population. Christian educators are needed desperately to shed light in the darkness of our culture. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, and what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 26 CHAPEL NOTES 28 ADVANCING CEDARVILLE 30 CAMPUS NEWS 34 YELLOW JACKET SPORTS 39 MOMENT IN TIME 40 IN CLOSING 1 IN THIS ISSUE