Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2014
Spreading the Truth of Scripture Is the Heartbeat of Cedarville Alumnus David Jeremiah PurcHase YOUR COPY OF THIS SPECIAL CEDARVILLE-EDITION JEREMIAH STUDY BIBLE FROM THE University Bookstore 20% OFF THE LIST PRICE. Email bookstore@cedarville.edu or call 937-766-7894 to order. and save Tom Chmura ’78 The Salvation Army Kara Robertson ’07 UCLA Medical Center Josh Bailey ’04 Word Entertainment Dave Dykema ’91 Diamond Case Linear Jeff Summerlin ’83 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Mandie (Sugg) Mensah ’10 YWCA Columbus Scott Mills ’92 LifeWay Films Scott Miller ’90 The Hagerman Group Valde Garcia ’81 Michigan State Senate Sarah Johnson ’07 Georgia Institute of Technology Dominic McKinley ’92 Guilford Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Center David Jeremiah ’63 Shadow Mountain Community Church Matt Martens ’93 WilmerHale LLP Stacie (Bennett) Cox ’00 NASA Lt. Gen. Loren Reno ’70 Cedarville University; USAF Retired Jason Atwell ’98 Erickson Living Genelle (Schedlbauer) Pretty ’10 Parker Hannifin Corporation
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