Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2017

In Every Issue 22 Chapel Notes 24 Campus News 28 Yellow Jacket Sports 31 Moment in Time 32 In Closing Features 2 In the Beginning THOMAS WHITE A biblical view of the origins of the world and universe has come under increased criticism and disdain in recent years. Yet Cedarville University remains steadfast, teaching a scriptural approach to the foundations of creation. In spite of shifts in culture or popular opinion, God as the Creator of all is the core of every discipline and course. 4 Six-Day Creation: Why It’s Important to Higher Education KEN HAM Does it matter if God created in six 24-hour days or six ages of time? Ham builds the case for believing the Genesis account of six actual days and cites reasons why our beliefs on this matter stem from our belief in the authority of the Bible. 7 Adam and Eve in History: A Theological Necessity THOMAS WHITE Adam and Eve really did exist. Without the existence of the first man and woman, made in the image of God, there is no original sin and no need for a perfect substitute. We must steadfastly stand by the biblical record of mankind’s first ancestors. 10 Young Earth Flood Geology in the Grand Canyon JOHN WHITMORE Go with Whitmore, Professor of Geology, on a personal and scientific journey into the evidence for a global flood found in the rocks and strata of one of the world’s foremost natural wonders. 13 Mutations: Evolution’s Disappointment GEORGIA (HICKMAN) PURDOM ’94 Scientists hang their argument for the progressive transformation of species from one kind to another on mutations. But as Purdom reveals, mutations are a failed starting point for evolutionary theory. 16 Creation in the Curriculum THOMAS MACH ’88 Mach, Assistant Vice President for Academics, shows how a commitment to the biblical creation account is evidenced in four different Cedarville academic disciplines: science, history, psychology, and business. 19 Creation, Sex, Gender, and Jesus GREG COUSER Couser, Senior Professor of Bible and Greek, discusses the implications of biblical creation on one of the most contentious issues of modern culture: sexuality and sexual identity. 33 Advancement Report 19 13 7 4 10 “ In the BEGINNING , GOD CREATED the HEAVENS AND THE EARTH . ” Genesis 1:1 Cedarville Magazine | 1