Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2019

James T. Jeremiah Chapel opens; renamed Apple Technology Resource Center in 1997.As student population grows, live video sites are added elsewhere on campus. The new James T. Jeremiah Chapel opens in the Dixon Ministry Center . Students transport hymnals in a long procession from the old chapel to the new location. 2016 – Jeremiah Chapel celebrates its 20th anniversary with major upgrades, including a transition from pews to individual seats and improvements to sound, video, carpet, paint, lights, and stage. Chapel seating is around 3,400. 2019 – Further improvements to be made this summer that will expand Jeremiah Chapel into current classrooms to allow for additional seating. 1996 1976 Students have already been treated to many challenging and inspiring messages by White, including his constant encouragement during the 2016–17 school year series on Hebrews that “God is faithful. You can trust Him.” VITAL SIGN According to White, chapel is vital to the spiritual health of Cedarville. “Chapel gives you the pulse of the whole University,” he affirmed. This belief is consistent with White’s background. He is the son and grandson of Baptist preachers and holds a Ph.D. in systematic theology. Before becoming President, he served as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught graduate classes in systematic theology and expository preaching. It is no accident that the chapel hour has always been at 10 a.m., which White describes as “the best hour of teaching in the whole day.” Because of this conviction, White puts significant time and resources into chapel. His emphasis is on a high view of Scripture that gives an appetite for text- driven sermons. This focus on Scripture is consistent with the University’s commitment to the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture. He further indicated that the congregational singing must be biblically text-driven. Such an emphasis ensures that the student body, as well as the faculty and staff, are being fed by the truly nourishing and wholly satisfying pure milk of the Word (1 Pet. 2:2), which will lead to spiritual maturity and health. FAMILY TIME Another vital aspect of this iconic daily chapel is the opportunity it provides the university President to connect with the student body. Chapel allows the Cedarville University President to promote and encourage a sense of family unity