Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2019

into the difficult days and the students become weary, lighter chapels with a worship or testimonial emphasis are added. White wants the students to “have fun and see their administrators in a more relaxed context,” so chapels like “Live at Ten” are included, set with the purpose of teaching biblical truth in a variety of formats. As he considers his preaching in chapel and organizing other speakers, White reflects on how God can take a man called to preach and turn him into a university President. PIVOTAL HOUR Many people have called Cedarville University the best-kept secret in Christian education. Through the years, the presidents have used the chapel hour to not only acquaint students with outstanding preachers and teachers, but also to let people see the amazing sense of community and family that exists on the campus of this outstanding University. Truly, chapel is the “heartbeat” and “pulse” of our family. May it ever be so. J. Murray Murdoch is Cedarville’s Distinguished Professor of History and former Chair of the Department of History. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Paul Dixon preaching in the original Jeremiah Chapel, which is today the Apple Technology Resource Center (top). Bill Brown preaching in the new Jeremiah Chapel in the Dixon Ministry Center (bottom).