Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2019

IN EVERY ISSUE 30 CHAPEL NOTES 32 ADVANCING CEDARVILLE 34 CAMPUS NEWS 3 6 YELLOW JACKET SPORTS 39 MOMENT IN TIME 40 IN CLOSING FEATURES Editor Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86 Managing Editor Clem Boyd Creative Director Chad Jackson ’05 Graphic Designer Craig Salisbury Photographer Scott Huck Administration President Thomas White Special Advisor to the President Loren Reno ’70 Vice President for Academics Thomas Mach ’88 Vice President for Advancement Rick Melson Vice President for Business and Chief Financial Officer Christopher Sohn Vice President for Enrollment Management Scott Van Loo ’98 Vice President for Marketing and Communications Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86 Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries Jonathan Wood Athletic Director Alan Geist ’83 Our Mission Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth. Our Vision Cedarville University will be an exemplary Christian institution known for commitment to academic excellence, submission to biblical authority, passion for the Great Commission, and intentional discipleship that transforms lives for godly service, vocational distinction, and cultural engagement. Cedarville Magazine is published spring, summer, and fall and mailed free of charge to alumni and supporters of Cedarville University. 1-800-CEDARVILLE • cedarville.edu Direct inquiries and address changes to: Cedarville Magazine Cedarville University 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 cedarville.edu/magazine magazine@cedarville.edu 1-888-CEDARVILLE READ ONLINE! Visit cedarville.edu/magazineSP19 on your computer or mobile device. Spring 2019 Volume 7 Issue 1 10 CEDARVILLE AND BEYOND ANDREW J. GRAFF Students, faculty, staff, and alumni have long known of the powerful effect of Cedarville chapel. But now, it’s available to an international audience. 14 MEMORABLE MOMENTS AS TOLD TO MICHELE (CUMMINGS) SOLOMON ’91 Sometimes, one particular chapel stands out as life-transforming. Hear from some of our alumni about their most memorable moments. 20 CHAPEL: PLATFORM FOR PRESIDENTS J. MURRAY MURDOCH Cedarville Presidents Jeremiah, Dixon, Brown, and White have all maintained the priority of chapel, seeing it as a cornerstone to Cedarville’s main purpose: preparing godly men and women to make a difference in their careers and communities. 26 TRAINING GROUND CLEM BOYD Student chaplains have the opportunity to grow their expositional preaching skills throughout the school year on the Jeremiah Chapel stage. But before they walk to the podium, they’ve experienced intentional and formative investment by faculty and staff. 6 LIFE TOGETHER JON WOOD From rich God-honoring worship, to the powerful exegesis of the Scriptures, to the life-changing testimonies of our speakers, chapel brings Cedarville together like no other experience on campus. 2 CHAPEL: THE HEARTBEAT OF CAMPUS THOMAS WHITE Chapel at Cedarville University is part of the normal ebb and flow of the 1,000 days every student spends on campus. But why is such a priority placed on this daily gathering of the student body? Let the WORD OF CHRIST dwell in you richly, TEACHING AND ADMONISHING one another in all wisdom, SINGING PSALMS and hymns and spiritual songs, with THANKFULNESS in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16