Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2020

The owners win through making profits, the workers win through earning a paycheck, and the customer wins through obtaining a desired service. Everyone experiences some level of fulfillment and joy, which encourages human flourishing. And when businesses don’t serve their customers or workers well, they will lose them in a competitive system. The worst businesses have a monopoly over workers or customers. The ironic thing about socialism is that its proponents purport it to be an antidote to capitalist monopolies, when in effect we would make the government the monopoly provider of all our services. BUSINESS FOR THE GLORY OF GOD The best owners and managers understand that there is one God who is Judge of all (James 4:12). This God is the God of owners as well as workers, and He shows no partiality (Acts 10:34). Therefore, owners, mid-level managers, workers, and consumers will all give an account one day for their actions. When we do all things to the glory of God, work as unto the Lord, and seek to love our fellow neighbor as ourselves, then we create a culture where community thrives. Imagine an environment where leadership values employees more than idolizing profits. Where CEOs serve employees through good leadership rather than lording over them in an authoritarian dictatorship. A place where the company feels more like family, and where people seek to serve everyone else. A place where employees do what is right even when no one is looking. Such places do exist, albeit imperfectly in a fallen world, and these companies provide great workplace communities and serve as examples to influence culture for Christ. In this way, business provides a great opportunity to glorify God and serve others. A biblical model of business also provides the best long- term solution to poverty. The best way to love the homeless is not to sleep on the street with them, but to help them never have to sleep on the street again. When our helping enables addiction without resolution or rewards panhandling while ignoring the dignity and worth of all human beings, we hurt the recipient and only ease the conscience of the giver. On a personal and global level, we must see every human as created by God with equal value. CONCLUSION Cedarville University supports business with a biblical worldview for the glory of God and the good of others. We contend that private ownership, capitalism, and free market enterprise operating by biblical principles and accompanied by personal generosity provide a great channel to influence the culture for the Gospel. We desire to develop a generation of entrepreneurial- minded business leaders using their gifts to promote human flourishing with creativity and enthusiasm. These business leaders will influence people that may never visit a church. They have a unique opportunity to stand for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Thomas White is President of Cedarville University. He earned his Ph.D. in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 1. https://news.gallup.com/poll/268766/socialism-popular-capitalism- among-young-adults.aspx 2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/california-wants-to-teach-your-kids-that- capitalism-is-racist-11564441342 We desire to develop a generation of entrepreneurial- minded business leaders using their gifts to promote human flourishing with creativity and enthusiasm. Cedarville Magazine | 9