Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2023

36 | Cedarville Magazine Cedarville Magazine 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 1-888-CEDARVILLE | magazine@cedarville.edu cedarville.edu/magazine My plan was to be an English teacher. Why not? I loved my high school English teacher, Mrs. Barber. Grammar came easy. I enjoyed a good book. And, it didn’t hurt that just about everyone I was related to was in education. My choice of a major seemed clear…until I actually got to college! Not too far into my academic coursework, I realized that loving your teacher and even loving the subject don’t necessarily mean you are called to be a teacher yourself. Apparently, it’s not always in the genes! Thus began a time of searching. A basic speech class introduced me to this whole area of study called communication, and the professor encouraged me to consider it. At some point, I climbed the three flights of stairs to the top of Founders Hall and met with Jim Phipps, Chair of the Department of Communication at that time. I had no idea what communication entailed beyond speaking in public, and that didn’t seem to afford many job opportunities beyond politics or the stage. Neither were of interest, and, yes, I was naïve! Some conversations stick with you. Close to 40 years removed from that meeting, and I still remember the main gist of Dr. Phipps’ words of wisdom. A poster hanging on a nearby wall affirmed his main point: “You can do anything with a communication degree!” A long list of job possibilities proved it! I decided communication was for me. Even after I graduated from Cedarville, I’m not sure I fully understood all the doors that communication might open. Searching for my first job, I was perplexed that few of the Dallas Morning News postings mentioned my newly minted degree. Had Dr. Phipps overpromised? No. A million times no. Dr. Phipps knew then what I have come to discover through experience. Communication is the foundation for almost every type of professional endeavor you might pursue. Employers long for team members who can communicate clearly, concisely, compellingly, and with integrity. Communication is regularly listed among the top five essential soft skills needed in the workplace. Over the years, I’ve learned that communication is much less about the degree listed on your resume and much more about the valuable skills you learn through its focused study. Cedarville’s Department of Communication has a long history of equipping graduates who love Jesus and know how to share His story with clarity and conviction. Its programs develop skills in advocacy, writing, political engagement, public relations, research, and organizational leadership, while also staying on the cutting edge of technology, video production, broadcasting, social media, journalism, and digital communication. Just about every organization on the planet requires a specialist in one or more of those areas. Wonder if that’s an overstatement? As of today, there are 39,439 communications jobs posted to Indeed, just one of the many online hiring platforms. Dr. Phipps was right all along. As a graduate of Cedarville’s Department of Communication, I’m so thankful for the preparation and training I received and the faculty who invested in my life, even when I really didn’t know what I was embarking upon or where my education might lead. God has graciously opened career doors for me in industries as diverse as staff recruiting, real estate development, printing, job training, and even a short stint as a teacher. In 1995, God led me back to Cedarville where I’ve used my communication training in admissions, external relations, event planning, academic leadership, and marketing. Dr. Phipps, thank you for inspiring me — and so many other Cedarville graduates — to believe that, by God’s grace, you can do anything with a communication degree! Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86 serves as Vice President for Marketing and Communications and Dean of Graduate Studies. She earned her PhD in educational administration and higher education from the University of Nebraska. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A COMMUNICATION DEGREE IN CLOSING