Cedarville Magazine, Spring/Summer 2015

I ntegrated B usiness C ore gets NATIONALATTENTION by Clem Boyd Is my college education really preparingme to work inmy field? Many in themillennial generation are pondering that question. “Only four in 10 20-somethings would say they need their college degree for their current job,” the Barna Group reported in its Year-in-Review for 2014. “In the end, fewer than half of millennials (47 percent) would strongly agree their degree was worth the cost and time.” One member of the millennial generation expressed his dismay publicly last year in The Washington Post : “When I graduated from Penn State a year ago, I thought I was perfectly prepared to succeed in the business world,” wrote Casey Ark in an article for the August 27, 2014, edition. “The only real-world business skills I’d learned at college were how to write a résumé and operate three-fifths of the Microsoft Office suite. My college education left me totally unprepared to enter the real workforce.” Cedarville Magazine | 15