Cedarville Magazine, Spring/Summer 2015

In Every Issue 24 Chapel Notes 26 Advancing Cedarville 28 Campus News 35 Moment in Time 36 In Closing Features 2 An Education That Works! THOMAS WHITE A Cedarville University education is an education that works. Our students are equipped to obtain jobs and enter the workforce, but most importantly, to honor God with their work. 4 Career Services: Plotting Your Course MICHELE (CUMMINGS) SOLOMON ’91 Cedarville’s Career Services prepares students to navigate the winding paths on their way to the beginning of a successful career —and it starts sooner than you’d think. 6 CU Coast to Coast A Cedarville education is far reaching — you’ll find Cedarville graduates working all across the map. 8 The Advantage: From Cedarville to Med School CLEM BOYD Cedarville’s premed graduates are uniquely prepared for medical school, and have an acceptance rate to prove it. 12 Cedarville Tough CLEM BOYD Cedarville’s well-prepared and well- rounded engineering graduates keep companies like Cummins Inc. coming back for more. 15 IBC Gets National Attention CLEM BOYD Cedarville’s Integrated Business Core prepares students with innovative, real-world business experience, and it’s getting noticed. 18 The Mr. L Factor CLEM BOYD For more than 30 years, broadcasting at Cedarville University has been synonymous with Jim Leightenheimer ’80, whom students warmly call“Mr. L.” 21 A Great ROI STEPHEN PORT ’13 Parents of current Cedarville students sat down to discuss the value of a Cedarville education and why their investment is worth it. 18 15 4 8 12 “ And WHATEVER YOU DO , whether in WORD OR DEED , do it all IN THE NAME of the LORD JESUS , giving THANKS TO GOD the Father through Him. ” Colossians 3:17 Cedarville Magazine | 1