Cedarville Magazine, Spring/Summer 2015
Our science and engineering faculty members bring years of research and professional experience to their classrooms. They mentor students in personal, professional, and spiritual growth, preparing them to lead their professions. With their guidance, our students consistently best larger and better-funded programs in national and international competitions. Their achievements have elevated Cedarville’s reputation for excellence, and their integrity in service has elevated the name of Jesus Christ at home and abroad. Because of your giving, we can now create expanded classroom space, updated lab facilities, and state-of-the-art technology that matches the high caliber of our students and faculty. Thank you for your generous giving! WE DID IT! Thanks to your generous support, WE REACHED $5,000,000! S C I E N C E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G E X PA N S I O N C A M PA I G N
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