Cedarville Magazine, Summer 2014

Cedarville Magazine | 25 “ Biblical leadership links a living faith and a loving life. Leadership centered on loving and caring relationships leaves a legacy that lasts forever. ” So what does a “Show Me” faith look like? At Ambassador Enterprises, we believe it looks like the values that guide our behavior: Honor God, Respect Others, Work Hard. We are convinced that as we live out these values, we will fulfill our calling over the long term and, along the way, show others what our faith means to us. Honor God — is that a requirement for all? To be a member of our team, yes. How do you get away with that? Is that legal? Suppose someone doesn’t believe in God but is qualified in every other way for a position in your company. No problem. We have had many people like that. In fact, some have raised that very question. We are not a church or a denomination. People are free to believe what they choose, including whether or not they believe in God. They must, however, abide by our community standards. Our behavior, individually and collectively, must honor God. This includes recognizing truth as an external standard, accepting responsibility, and submitting to authority. We honor God by having an upbeat, positive attitude toward life and others, living with integrity, and committing to do the right thing. What does it mean to respect others? It means valuing others. Leadership and Self-Deception , one of our training books, asserts that we often look at people as objects, classifying them in one of three ways: • Vehicles to advance our own agenda • Barriers that are in our way • Simply irrelevant It is natural to see people this way, but it is not remotely connected to loving others. Respecting others means that we affirm people and their inherent value. It means we live by Paul’s charge to be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well (Phil. 2:4) and in humility value others above yourselves (Phil. 2:3).