Cedarville Magazine, Summer 2018

After Joanna's homegoing, Al married Mary Ann Manaresi, whose husband had died several years earlier. Mary Ann was enthusiastic about continuing to fund the scholarship. In fact, her passion was personal. Her own children had received the award as Cedarville students. “Mary Ann and I know that many who receive our scholarship would not be able to attend Cedarville without it. We are blessed to be able to continue the scholarship and invest in students’ lives.” Because of the generous assistance offered by the York Scholarship, Jeremy is already imagining a career in aviation, or, listen to this — acoustics. “I’m a drummer on the Student Government Association band, and I’ve served on my freshman and sophomore class bands,” Jeremy said. “This summer I’m going on a Global Outreach trip to Germany, playing drums on the music team for a youth camp. So I’m playing with the idea of acoustics.” In addition to music, Jeremy has also continued his service with the Dayton Gospel Mission. Every Friday night during the school year, he meets with elementary- and junior high- age boys in a group called God’s Guys, playing sports and games and spending time in the Bible. “A lot of those kids don’t have a fatherly figure in life,” he offered. “We explain the Gospel and show them love.” And all this is possible because of a generous donor. “When people think of scholarships, they may think of some huge amount,” Jeremy said. “But if you can contribute a few hundred or a few thousand, there are students who will benefit from that. It’s going to make a difference for someone who could not come because of their finances. You could potentially help someone attend Cedarville who wouldn’t be able to otherwise.” Clem Boyd is Managing Editor of Cedarville Magazine . The Lord has used the Gladys York Memorial Scholarship to bless so many students. This donor-funded scholarship is paying dividends for the Kingdom of God now and for future generations. Please consider how you can make a God-honoring, transformative Cedarville University education a possibility for future students as well. To establish or support a donor-funded scholarship, please visit cedarville.edu/giving or call 937-766-7810. We look forward to partnering with you as we seek to honor the Lord with your gift. Cedarville Magazine | 23 ADVANCING CEDARVILLE Chartered in 1887, Cedarville was a dreamwaiting to become a reality. WhenWilliam Gibson passed away, he left 2 percent of his estate for the new college. That bequest allowed Cedarville to open its doors to students. Now 130 years later, your bequest will provide Christ-centered education for generations to come. Let Advancement help you discover how to leave your legacy! Your Bequest, Your Legacy 1-888-233-2784 cedarville.edu/giftlegacy