PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Our communications team informs me that back in 1894, the Cedarville College Board of Trustees approved the institution’s first scholarship. They offered these scholarships to the top students from high schools in the local communities surrounding Cedarville. The amount will surprise you. A full tuition scholarship for the entire 1894–1895 academic year equated to $20. Even so, a full scholarship transforms the lives of anyone who receives them. Two of those students — William Iliffe and Clarence Young — were among the 13 who graduated as part of the college’s fourth commencement in 1900. Today, we help thousands of students each year achieve their goal of a transformative education through grants, merit-based scholarships, and donor-funded scholarships. Through the intentional discipleship, Bible minor, daily chapel, biblical worldview in every classroom, authentic Christian community, academic excellence, and everything else that Cedarville offers, God is transforming the lives of our students. These students then graduate to impact their churches, workplaces, and communities. In this issue, we ask you to consider partnering with us for scholarships and helping us prepare for the day when we may be forced to walk away from federal funding in order to be true to our biblical convictions. God has blessed Cedarville with 15 consecutive years of record enrollment. The need for Cedarville to grow its financial aid is greater than ever. We want every student who desires an excellent education marked by intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority to have that opportunity. We don’t want a few thousand dollars to create a barrier to further impact for the Kingdom of God. You will read about students who have benefited from generous financial aid packages. You will hear how the University is trying to keep costs low through programs like dual enrollment and streamlined bachelor’s-tomaster’s programs as well as our general fund. In these pages, you will also meet an amazing family that is all-in when it comes to supporting scholarships, with 19 families with 21 alumni represented so far contributing to a named scholarship honoring a greatgrandfather and great-grandmother. And you’ll discover the “why” behind our donors’ faithfulness to support Cedarville. You’ll also read the powerful testimonies of five current students who are here because of the generosity of donors. You could become one of these donors who impact students in the future. These students share the amazing ways the Lord has matured them spiritually at Cedarville and altered the eternal trajectory of their lives. As we reflect on the overwhelming generosity of our partners in this ministry, we are humbled and overwhelmed at the stewardship God has given us. We have the privilege of preparing the next generation to influence culture and change our world for King Jesus. We pray this issue of Cedarville Magazine will encourage you to consider joining us in this stewardship with your gifts and prayers. In Christ, Thomas White, President @DrThomasWhite 2 | Cedarville Magazine Cedarville Magazine