Cedarville University transforms lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. In other words, we equip students to live excellent lives while standing for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ wherever God may call them to serve. This is our why: lives transformed to the glory of God. Scholarships make this life transformation possible. Every day matters. Every student matters. Every gift matters. Any size gift can make the difference between a student receiving an education delivered from a biblical worldview, a Bible minor, chapel five days a week, authentic Christian community, faculty members seeking to grow and disciple them for Christ or a secular humanist worldview seeking to undermine universal truth and pushing ungodly agendas. Four years … 1,000 days of intentional God-glorifying discipleship instead of the same amount of time having their faith undermined and questioned by faculty members with advanced degrees placed in authority over them. Even if a student survives secular humanistic education, they may never learn what they missed. You don’t know what you don’t know. Surviving anatomy from an evolutionary perspective is one thing. Learning anatomy from a Psalm 139 perspective helps us glorify God in more powerful ways. For many students, even just $2,000 makes all the difference between these two paths. And for many, being awarded these funds comes as an answer to prayer, which further increases their personal faith in God and walk with Him. Is God calling you to serve Him through a gift? I plead with you to partner with us to train the next generation with excellence to glorify God. Just recently, the federal government announced new Title IX rules that include protection for transgender students. I don’t want to be an alarmist. We will claim exemption from these rules on grounds of our religious beliefs. But we all know it may not be long before schools like Cedarville must make a choice between receiving federal financial aid funds or remaining faithful to the biblical view of human sexuality. I have every confidence that Cedarville will stand firm with compassionate conviction. That stand will have consequences on our students, faculty, and staff. We must plan now to be ready for the potential day when we walk away from federal funding. We need to build our endowed scholarships to offset the loss of federal funds. God is doing something special in these cornfields of southwest Ohio, and I’m sure the devil doesn’t like it. You can help by establishing an endowed scholarship that you give to regularly to increase the amount over time, or you can give to annually expendable scholarships. Every gift matters. We currently receive about $3 million in Pell Grants that we would need to replace. Over time working together, we can replace these dollars with endowed scholarships. Would you pray about giving a legacy estate gift to an endowed scholarship at Cedarville? This would help ensure the long-term future of Cedarville. A gift from your estate would not affect your current assets and would provide you with certain estate tax advantages. If you are willing to consider this further, our Advancement team can provide you with resources to learn more about legacy gifts. Your gift literally impacts eternity. Gifts to scholarships impact students and everyone they will serve throughout the rest of their lives. Our students graduate and go to the ends of the earth serving God and others. You can be part of their story as we all work together to further God’s Kingdom. In the remainder of this magazine, you will read the stories of a few amazing students who represent so many others. As you read them, would you pray about providing a scholarship for a similar future student? God is on the move at Cedarville, and we invite you to join the movement! Why can’t we be the generation that sees a mighty revival like the ones we have read about in the history books? I’ve read about the haystack revival, and I’m praying for the cornfield revival. Join us as we stand firm for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ! Thomas White is President of Cedarville University. He earned his Ph.D. in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Your gift literally impacts eternity. God is on the move at Cedarville, and we invite you to join the movement! Cedarville Magazine | 3