Cedarville Magazine, Summer 2024

TO WORSHIP BY NICHOLAS CARRINGTON ’10 Robert Rhodes ’16, worship pastor of Dayton Avenue Baptist Church in Xenia, Ohio, saved a video from his senior year of college and still watches it over eight years later. As he talked about it, the chills running through his body were almost palpable. “It gets me excited about what the Lord’s going to do when He calls us all home,” he said. It’s a video from a chapel he helped put together in his days as a worship major and chapel band leader. In it, Cedarville students, faculty, and staff sing “Revelation Song,” a tune with lyrics based on Revelation 4, but it is not the normal arrangement made popular by The Newsboys. The song is broken down into 13 languages, and an orchestra accompanies the normal chapel instruments. Roughly 15 students on stage step forward and, in their native tongue, lead the Cedarville family in worship that may preview the diversity of Heaven. EQUIPPING THE CHURCH 27