Cedarville Magazine, Summer 2024

PEP BAND BRINGS ENERGY WITH A PURPOSE Cedarville University basketball has provided countless exciting memories over the years, and the home game atmosphere has been equally legendary, thanks to the Yellow Jacket Pep Band. Consisting of approximately 75 students, the all-volunteer ensemble helps jump-start the electric atmosphere in the Callan Athletic Center for select men’s and women’s home games. Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Bands Dr. Chet Jenkins currently leads Cedarville’s pep band. During his three years at the helm, he has striven to maintain the quality and tradition of the Yellow Jacket Pep Band all to the glory of God. “My consistent message to the students in all of our ensembles is to let your talent be returned to God,” said Jenkins. “We are stewards of the gifts He has given us. So use them well to carry on throughout life, especially in the church after graduation.” Jenkins is a pep band alum himself, proclaiming he never missed a game during his days as a student from 1993–97. He has a good mentor, too, in Cedarville University Athletic Hall of Famer Mike DiCuirci, whose directorship he sat under. Much is the same as when DiCuirci led the pep band. All students are welcome, there are no auditions, and the group hopes to get five rehearsals in before performing at the first home game. Vice President for Athletics Chris Cross says, “We are so thankful for Chet’s leadership. The pep band is ‘instrumental’ in providing a level of excitement, energy, and enthusiasm to our basketball games.” “The students themselves are my best recruiters, and they volunteered because they have the talent,” Jenkins explained. “We have a core who are the most involved; they understand our purpose, and they encourage one another to be engaged with the game itself.” All to the glory of God! YELLOW JACKET SPORTS 36