Cedarville Magazine, Winter 2016

A generation ago, appearing on The Phil Donahue Show was the most “in the public eye” opportunity in Dayton, Ohio. By 1970, Donahue’s one-of-a-kind talk show had been syndicated nationwide, eventually broadcasting from Chicago, then New York City. But back in October 1968, while still broadcasting from WLWD, Channel 2, in Dayton, Donahue featured Cedarville University and two of its students, Dan Stevens ’69 and Darlene (Murdoch) Fitch ’69. Cedarville’s President, Dr. James T. Jeremiah, and his wife, Ruby, also participated. They’re pictured far right, facing Donahue from the first row. Residence assistants, student council members, and the men’s soccer team were on hand as well. “The purpose of the program was to expose what the Cedarville College student really thinks about his world, his school, and his Christ,” the October 19 article in the Whispering Cedars newspaper related. “Area ministers, doctors, teachers were all talking about the ‘Ville.’ Some even visited campus to see if a place like this really existed.” They found out that, in fact, it did exist. And still exists. In the public eye. For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. In the Public Eye: 1968 Cedarville Magazine | 25