Cedarville Magazine, Winter 2016

Cedarville Magazine 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 1-888-CEDARVILLE | magazine@cedarville.edu cedarville.edu/magazine Can you imagine it? The media was completely silent on one of the biggest events of history, and no one wondered why. Strange as that may seem, the lack of coverage was deafening. Actually, the media didn’t exist, but the message spread rapidly across the hillsides of Judea. ANazarene carpenter and his young wife had their family expanded by the birth of the King of Israel, and there were no headlines or Breaking News banners. On the hillsides outside Bethlehem, the news spread rapidly through a chorus of angels singing the message to scattered shepherds. Far away to the east, a group of astronomers saw an aberration in the sky that set them off on a two-year journey. The contemporary King of Israel, under Roman authority, was unnerved by the rumors beginning to swirl about. If there had been a news service, the headlines would have announced a national census required by the Roman government. The articles would likely have directed the readers how to reach the appointed places to sign up and pay whatever taxes were required. Because of the census, the carpenter and his wife traveled to his ancestral home, but the local inn had a No Vacancy sign out front. This King was to be born in a stable with the cattle and sheep and whatever other livestock might be housed there. From there, most of us know the story well: That King was crucified in His 33rd year by those who refused to recognize His true identity, but eyewitnesses said He rose from the dead, and they said so very publically and at great cost to themselves. And we are looking for that King to return. Scripture tells us this event may be more widely broadcast than the first time He came to be with us. Is it not interesting that “outside the public eye,” God chose to open a chapter in world history that would change everything and affect the entire future population of the earth, either directly or indirectly, for the rest of time? Through this event, eternal salvation would be made available to all who would believe in this Messiah. Entire nations and civilizations would be called upon to take a position on who this young child was to become. Many have chosen wrongly. Some nations have actually built His teachings into the very fabric of their society, and yet have turned away as time progressed. The most important understanding remains that the final decision on belief in Christ depends upon individuals rather than governments, societies, or even churches. Could it be that the reason for a rather silent, private entrance into the world was to initiate a personal acceptance of Jesus as the Savior that was promised throughout the Old Testament Scriptures? God has chosen individuals to carry His message person-to-person as examples of His grace. Part of the commission to do that comes with the injunction to “study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed” (2 Tim. 2:15). Along with developing students skilled in vocations, Cedarville University’s goal is that every graduate will not only use modern media to convey the Good News, but become the biblically grounded medium by which this witness is spread throughout the world. Jim Phipps is Senior Professor of Communications at Cedarville University. He has been on the faculty since 1968 and served as Chair of the Department of Communication for 36 years. He earned a Ph.D. in communication from The Ohio State University. Out of the Public Eye and Changing the World In Closing 26 | Cedarville Magazine