Cedarville Magazine, Winter 2016

and people don’t know I am? I want people to know that I am a Christian by the way I treat them. I want them to know there’s something different about me, and then they’ll ask, ‘What makes you different?’ And that gives you an opportunity.” CRITICAL SUPPORT To remain strong in the spotlight, you need Christians praying, supporting, and challenging you behind the scenes. “Before I got this job, I summoned my friends and several pastors and mentors,” Faris said. “I told them, ‘I’m going to rely on you; I want to make sure I’m a good representative for Christianity.’ It’s a big platform, but it’s an even bigger responsibility to do this show. “Christianity is about community,” she added. “It’s about surrounding yourself with people who will hold you accountable, who will empower you and not just enable you.” For Faris, that includes longtime Cedarville pals, as well as friends from churches in New York and Chicago. But the greatest human source of support and accountability is her husband, John Krueger ’99. They began dating in 1996 and married in 2000. They have three children: Caroline, 8; JJ, 6; and Landon, 1. “I’m just grateful to have a very loving and understanding husband,” Faris said. “We were having a discussion on the show recently about if you could marry someone and convert religions. For me and my husband, our faith is our foundation, the glue that holds us together when we’ve wanted to throw in the towel. John is a great guy and so incredibly patient. He’s awesome.” SECURE IDENTITY Having that strong relationship support, and knowing who she is apart from the fame, is crucial when she’s hit with criticism. “When you are a vocal Christian living in an overtly secular world, you’re going to face a lot of scrutiny and attacks,” Faris said. “There will always be someone, regardless of what I say, that isn’t going to like me, and that’s OK. But I’m going to stay true to who I am. If something is written about me that’s disparaging and slanderous, I can choose what my attitude will be. To know that and embrace that is so powerful. “The Bible talks about not being anxious, but to pray about everything (Phil. 4:6). I just have to play my game, keep my head down, and be honest.” Ultimately, Faris’ secret to walking in the public eye comes from the way she views herself. “Some people get very wrapped up in what they do, whether it’s their career on television or in the entertainment industry,” she said. “That doesn’t define who I am. If it was taken away from me, I know my identity. My identity comes from my faith and knowing who I am in my relationship with Jesus.” With that kind of perspective, Faris should be able to shine in the spotlight for many years to come. Clem Boyd is Managing Editor of Cedarville Magazine . cedarville.edu/giftlegacy Six months before your birthday, you become eligible for a higher rate on a Cedarville University charitable gift annuity. We call it your half-birthday, and we think it is worth celebrating! If you establish a one-life charitable gift annuity with Cedarville University, the fixed annual payout rate based on your age is: If you think annuity gifts of this type have a place in both your stewardship plan and in the fixed income portion of your retirement income portfolio, please call us at 1-888-CEDARVILLE or visit cedarville.edu/giftlegacy to learn more. Happy Half- Birthday! Age Funded Rate 70 5.1 75 5.8 80 6.8 85 7.8 What exactly is a half birthday? Photo by Fred Lee © 2014 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.