1816-1916 Cedarville Centennial Souvenir

In 1868 the present brick building was erected at a cost of $30,000. A high school was started in the Grove School and has continued unto the present day. It has had sixteen superintendents, five of whom were men born and raised in Cedarville Township, viz: James Turn– bull, Parks Jackson, James Foster, John H. McMillan, and K. E. Randall. A new $75,000 schoolhouse, nearing completion, is located in the north part of town on Main street, an elegant building with all modern conveniences in it. We have always had good schools and good teachers in Cedarville and the township, and now we have a good school building. Besides, we have a college in our village, that has done and is doing a good work. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE, NEARING COMPLETION CEDARVILLE COLLEGE, W. R. MCCHESNEY, PRESIDENT CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Cedarville College is an institution of higher learning under the auspices of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.