1816-1916 Cedarville Centennial Souvenir
brick church was built in 1888 on the same lot at a cost of $15,00C. They have a 1t1embership of 250. The churches of the villag·e exert a good influence upon the entire community. They have sent forth R, P. CHURCH, J, L. CHESTNUT, PASTOR fifty-five preachers, many of them prominent pastors of congre– gations of 700 and 800 members, and salaries reaching $4000. Forty– five girls of Cedarville Township have married preachers. The names of the above can be furnished. R. P. McLEAN, MAYOR SECRET ORDERS, ETC. A large number of these may be found in the village, and also not se– cret, women's clubs, mostly in connec– tion with the churches to carry on their work. The largest organization in the village is the Commercial Club, of men only. It has 115 meml;Jers, who look after the commercial and moral welfare . of the community. FIRE COMPANY AND ENGINES The town has a Fire Company which was organized in 1853. They bought a small second hand engine :ind hose reel. Their first contest at a tournament was atSpringfield, Ohio, July 4th, 1854. They left home at 4 o'clock a. · m. It was so cold that they wore overcoats. The eng'ine was small and did not present a very attractive appear– ance. It was dubbed by the other companies "coffee-pot" and "tub." But when the time for throwing· water came, it was at the front. In the distance thrown, it would reach out its stream 15 or 20 feet
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