1816-1916 Cedarville Centennial Souvenir

At that time, much horseback riding was done by both men and women. The latter had side saddles. It was no unusual thing to see 50 or 60 men and women in procession, going to a wedding. OLD FAMILIES The familie$ were generally large. The largest family that ever lived in Cedarville Township was that of Samuel Kvle-twenty-one. One son has been pastor of a congregation in Amsterdam; N. Y. for 35 years, and twelve grandsons are preachers; one, Rev. Joseph Kyle, D. D., LL. D., is professor of th_eology in Xenia, Ohio, Seminary; an– other was U. S. Senator, two terms, from South Dakota. MINISTERS AND EDUCATORS H. A. JOHNSTON, J. A. ORR, JOSEPH KYLE W.W. ILIFFE, H. P, JACKSON, HOMER MCJIIILLAN, JOHN H. l\ICMILLAN Hon. James H. Kyle, son of Thomas and Margaret, and grandson of Judge Samuel Kyle, was born near Cedarville, February 24, 1854. He removed with his father's family to Champaign, Ill., when in his teens. He was educated in Illinois University, but graduated from Oberlin College, Ohio in 1878; studied law, but in a year began the study of theologly in Western Presbyterian Seminary, Pittsburg, Pa., and was licensed to preach the gospel in 1882. He was pastor in Utah, Colorado, and South Dakota. He was elected Senator from South Dakota February 16, 1891, re-elected, 1897. He died July 1, 1901, and was buried at Aberdeen, S. Dakota. His death was caused by heart disease. Another grandson of Judge Samuel Kyle was a missionary to Brazil; another is Judge of the Court of Greene County, Ohio. A grand-daughter, Miss Ella 0. Kyle, was a missionary to Egypt for