Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989
On Nove■ber 17. 1989. the congregation of Cedarville United Presbyterian Church viii ■ark the 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Sanctuary in which we worship Al ■ ighty God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, every Sunday ■ornlna . The congregation, as it ls presently constituted, ls enriched by the full parti– cipation of ■e■bers who either have co■e into the fellowship fro■ one of the two congregations that ■erged on January 4, 1959, or who have joined the Church since the ■erger. Therefore it is appropriate that as v e ■ark another ■ llestone in our travels as a cong regation, we pause to review our past, and at the sa■e tl ■e provide for future generations ~o■e insight into the ways in which we, as a now united con1 re1atlon, are being led, by the grace of God, to continue a heritage that has been passed along to us; but also at the sa■e ti ■e to face the challenges that lie before us. When we look at the history of this Cona reaatlon, we ■ust consider the roots of both the First Presbyterian Church of Cedarville and the United Presbyterian Church of Cedarville that ■•r &ed thirty years ago this year to for■ Cedarville United Presbyterian Church. HISTORY OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERI AN CHURCH CEDARVILLE Although First Church ca■a into the ■erger as a congregation of what was then called the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., its roots were actually Refor■ed Presbyterian <Old School>, or •covenanters•. The •covenanters• were Scottish Presbyterians who fir ■ ly believed that •God has engaged to perfor■ deeds indispensable to hu■an welfare and that ■an owes reciprocal duty.• - 1 -
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