Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989

The Rev. Walter the pastorate here until he was called ian Church in 1931. Harri ■an was ca lled to in 1919. He served to a Dayton Presbyter- During "r. Harri a an•s ■ inistry here. the congregation decided to leave the Gen– eral Synod Refor ■ed Presbyterian deno■ ina­ tion. and beco■e a part of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. The change, co■pleted in 1926, resulted in the loss of so■e ■e■bers who were not pleased with the decision. The Rev. Dwi ght Guthrie, a Presbyter– ian ■ inister, served as pastor fro■ 1932 to 1937. Dr. Guthrie resides in western Penn– sylvania after a Iona and fruitful ■ inistry in the Lord's service. Fro• 1950 until his retire■ent in 1972, he served his al ■a ■a ter, Grove City Coll e1e, in the Sa■uel P. Harbison Chair of Bible. He recently cele– brated, with his fa■ ily and his friends, the 60th anniversary of his ordination. Robert and Harold Guthrie, active ■e■bers of this Church, are nephews of Dr. Guthrie. The Rev. Benja■ in Ada■s was called to the pastorate here in 1937. Dr. Ada■s recently celebrated his 90th birthday. The Session, and ■any ■e■bers of the Church, extended g ree tings to Dr. Ada■s on that occasion. Dr. Ada■s served here until 1941. The Rev. Paul Elliot served as pastor here for ten years, fro■ 1942 to 1952. The Rev. Wilbert Sterner succeeded hi ■, and served fr o■ 1952 to 1955. The last pastor before the ■erger was the Rev. Leslie Bell, who served fro■ 1956 to 1957. Through the years, a goodly nu■ber of young ■en, ■e■bers of First Church, entered the ■ inistry. A■ong the■ are: G. Riley "c"illan, John "cNillan, Robert "c"lllan, - 10 -