Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989
for perfect acoustic&. The cost of the fra■e building was t2000 including furnish– ings. Huch of the build in1 ■ater ial was donated. One of the outstanding features of the fra■e building was the square belfry about 15 feet high with a zinc covered roof like an iron kettl~ turned upside down. At that ti ■e the church was the largest in town and the bell. the first in the vil laae. was hung in January 1847. Charter ■e■bers were Tho■as and Ruth Reed. John and Elizabeth Hu■e. Ja■es and Sarah Stewart. Sarah Barber, David and Minerva Jackson. Rachel Nichol Innis. and Sarah, George and Margaret Townsley. Soon these were joined by John Barber and Willia■ Gordon. In 1847 twenty-seven ■e■bers ca■e fro■ the Caesars Creek Associate Presbyterian Church. A■ong the■ were John Turnbull and Sa■uel Kyle, with their large fa■ ilies. In 1858, with the union of the Associate and the Associate Refor■ed deno■ inations, for ■ in1 the United Presbyterian Church. the local church beca■e The United Presbyterian Church of Cedarville. In 1889 the present church building was co■p leted at a cost of t12000 and was dedicated free of debt. This was a trying ti ■e for the con1 re1ation as they ■ade plans for the new buildin1 . At a ■eetin1 in April 1887, a decision was ■ade to con– struct a new church building. The •old lot• was chosen fro■ a choice of three lots as the site of the new sanctuary. In June of that year. plan No. 3 was chosen and •the building co■■ i ttee is hereby instruct– ed and authorized to erect and co■plete the new church building in accordance to plan No. 3 with any ■ inor changes they in their judge■ent ■ay see fit to ■ake•. In early - 13 -
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