Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989
old frame church wa& moved to the belfry of the new church and the fra■e building was torn down. In August of 1888, the Pastor, Rev. A.M. Ca■pbell, resigned to go to another church. On the first Sabbath of February 1889, the new building was occupied without a regular Pastor in the pulpit. In March 1889, Rev. J.C. Warnock was called and he occupied the pulpit in May 1889. On the 17th of November 1889, the present Church Building was dedicated and this is the celebration we are honoring today. No musical instru■ents had been allow– ed in congregational worship until 1905, although a small pump organ was used by the Young People's organization in 1895. In 1905 a Baldwin Grand piano was purchased for $450 and placed at the front of the sanctuary. There was much dissension and for several months the lips of ■any of the older me■bers were tightly closed during the singing. Both of these instruments are present in the building today. The Women's Missionary Society was organized in 1875 and the Young People's Christian Union in 1891. Missionary giving has had a vital place in this Church since its organization. Even in 1850, s■all as the church was, it generously supported Ho■e and Foreign ■ issioris and the Oxford Theological Seminary. This int~rest never waned, and by the 1950's, t2,500 to $3,500 had been given annually to spreading the Gospel at home and in the five foreign mission fields. Miss Alfreda Ha■■ond of this Church and Miss Ella Kyle <baptized here> went as missionaries to Egypt. The ministry has been enriched by a nu■ber of the members of this congregation, among the■ Jero Kyle, A.J. Kyle, H. P. Jackson, Robert Nisbet, W. A. Pollock, Walter - 15 -
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