Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989
Nancy. The congregation accepted this offer and decided at the sa■e ti ■e to con– struct a dining roo■ and kitchen in the rear of the church building. In 1927 this addition vas built and the Austin organ installed. At the sa■e ti ■e the interior of the sanctuary was re– decorated. On Nove■ber 2nd, 1928, follow– ing a dinner in the new dininS roo■ a ttend– ed by 262 persons, the new addition was dedicated. The construction, installation and redecorati n1 left the con1 re1ation with indebtedness of $13,000 which was secured by a ■ortga 1e on the church property. Be– cause of the depression of the 1930's, t 9,000 was still owed on this debt by 1941. Finally in 1944 the indebtedness was cancel led in connection with the centennial cele– bration of the foundln l of the church. At the turn of the century, Dr. "iron I. "arsh was elected secretary and treasur– er of the con1 regation and served in that position for 20 years. He also was a ■e■ - ber of the Session durl nc that ti ■e. After his death in 1938, a gift of pulpit furni– ture was 1i ven in his ■e■ory. This furni– ture is still used in the s a nctuary at this ti ■e. Upon the death of his niece, Rebecca "arsh, a gift of $40,000 was presented to the congregation in the ■e■ory of Dr. and "rs. "arsh fro■ her estate. The dining roo■ of the church was i ■proved and redeco– rated using so■e of the se funds and the roo■ na■ed the Marsh Roo■ • During the 115 years between 1644 and 1959, 15 pastors served this church. They are Ja■es Buchanan, his brother Harvey Buchanan, James Wright, J.A. McCall, - 17 -
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