Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989

HISTORY OF THE CEDARVILLE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Early in 1958. with the pending union of the Presbyterian and the United Presby– terian deno■ inations. the congregations of the 1st Presbyterian and the United Presby– terian Churches of Cedarville explored the possibility of co■ ing together as one con– gregation. co- ittees were appointed in the fol lov i ng a reas: Financial. Christian Education. Wo■en•s organizations. Worship. Church use and Pastoral Relations; t o study and propose reco■■endations for ■araer of the two churches. These co■■ lttees ■et and desi &ned a detailed plan for ■er 1er. The plan vas then approved by the joint boards of both congregations. On June 4 9 1958 9 separate ■eatings were held by each congregation and t he plan for ■erger was approved. The ■erger plan called for the effective date for the union to be January 4. 1959. Since the pulpit at terlan Church vas vacant at the 1st Presby– the ti ■e the vote on ■erger was approved. the congrega– tions decided to co■bine the worship serv– ice at the United Presbyterian Church begin Ing in July. 1958. Also at that ti ■e Rev. Kenneth Carey. Pastor of the UP Church. offered his resignation so that the nev congregation could start with a Pastor of their choice. The plan of ■er1er also called for the use of the United Presbyterian buildin1 for the Sabbath School classes of preschool a ge children and for post-high school adult classes. The Sabbath School classes for children and youth. grades one through hi lh school. were to be held in the Presbyterian Church building. (referred to as the Christ ian Education Building>. These co■bined - 19 -