Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989
classes started on October 1. 1956 with the start of the school year. At that ti ■e the hour was advanced 15 minutes (to 9:45) for the start of the Sabbath School so that the students at the Christian Education build– ing would have ti ■e to transfer to the UP building for the worship service at 11:00. A Pastoral no■ inating co■■ ittee was for■ed and set out in search of a Pastor to serve the new congregation. This co■■ lttee was working at the ti ■e the union of the two congregation~ beca■e official, January 4, 1959. The congregation ■et on March 1, 1959 to hear a report fro■ the pulpit no■ inatlng co■■ ittee reco■■ending the candidacy of Dr. Zion Robbins of Moline, Illinois, to beco■e Pastor of the Cedarville United Presbyter– ian Church. The vote to call Dr. Robbins was unani•ous and he assuaed the pastorate in April, 1959. With the Christian Education buildln1 a block away fro■ the sanctuary, It was the hope of the ■e■bers of the con1reaation that so■eday they ■ ight build an addition so that the whole Church progra■ could be consolidated in one place. Vlth this ,in ■ ind, on Nay 14, 1961 the ■e■bers of the congregation voted to sell the for■er First Presbyterian Church building to the Grace Baptist Church for the su■ of • 23,600. One year later a building co■■ ittee and a finance co■■ ittee were appointed with the purpose of building a Christian Educa– tion wing to the present Church building. At a congregational ■eetin g on March 15, 1964, the reco■■endation of the joint boards to construct the Christian Education wing at a cost of $90,000 was accepted and a ground breaking cere■ony was held on Easter Sunday that year. On March 28, 1965 - 20 -
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