Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989

ft lNISTERS First Presbyterian Church CReforaed Presbyterian) Rev. John Kell Rev. Jonathan Gill Rev. Gavin ftclli llan Rev. Huch llcflillan Rev. Jaaes llorton Rev. Albert Haney Rev. Bills Taylor Rev. Jaaes Chestnut Rev. Ualter Harriun 1810-1816 1816-1823 1823-1829 1829-1860 1863-1903 19'M-1906 1908-1914 1915-1918 1919-1926 First Presbyterian Church [Presbyterian U.S.A.) Rev. Walter Harri.an Rev. Dvicht R. Guthrie Rev. Benja■in N. Adaas Rev. Paul Elliot 1926-1931 1932-1937 1937-1941 1942-1952 Rev. C. Uilbert Sterner 1952-1955 Rev. Leslie Bell 1956-1957 Cedarville Associate Refor■ed Presbyterian Church [Associate Refor■ed Presbyterian) Rev. Jues Buchanan Rev. J. H. Buchanan 1845-1848 18t8-18.S4 United Presbyterian Church of Cedarvll le [United Presbyterian) Rev. J.P. Wri&ht Rev. J. A. ftcCall Rev. W. H. Haney Rev. H.F. Wallace Rev. A. ft. Caapbell Rev. J.C. Uar•tk Rev. F. 0. Ross Rev. O. H. ftillican Rev. J.S.E. llclllchael 1856-1860 1863-1863 1865-1872 1875-1883 1885-1888 1889-1897 1898-1903 1904-1909 1910-1919 Rev. John P. Ubite 1919-1925 Rev. Ralph A. Ja■ ieson 1926-1950 Rev. Jues H. Patterson 1951-1955 Rev. Kenneth Carey 1956-1958 Cedarville United Presbyterian Church [United Presbyterian in the U.S.A.) Rev. Zion Robbins 1959-1973 Rev. Daniel C. Graha.■ 197•-1981 Rev. Richard E. Hoff■an 1982-1983 Cedarville United Presbyterian Church [Presbyterian (U.S.A.)) Rev. Richard L. Van Deusen 1985-