Cedarville United Presbyterian Church: Centennial of the Sanctuary, 1889-1989

was issued carrying a general history of the Church and ■uch additional infor ■ation of interest to Covenanters. Included was a poe■ written by "a son of this Church": THE COVENANTERS You cannot understand us, you folk of chan1 lng creeds, Vho weave a changln1 fabric to flt to■orrow•s needs; You cannot understand us; the path ls rou1h and hl&h And you would turn out fro• It to ■■oother ways near by. But through the clash and cla■or of your disputing words Ve hear the olden saying of the■ that tended the herds; And In the ancient do1■a you hold of s■all account We hear the pri ■al ■essaae that thundered fro■ the ■ount. A covenant we cherish - a covenant of old; A covenant first fashioned where Jordan's waters rolled; It throbbed fro■ David's harpstrlngs by the eternal plan, Unchana lng and unceas in1 - the covenant with ■an. They cannot understand us, the folk of changing creeds, Vho weave a ■ lna led fabric to fit to■orrow•s needs - But ve have seen to■orrovs grow fr o■ the yesterdays Vhi le ■an-■ade creeds have faded into .the distant haze. The Rev. J. L. Chestnut was Installed as pastor in January, 1915, and served until his death in 1918. - 9 -