A Historical Sketch of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Synod
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE 5 Such were the first bonds of Union. These gave place to the more specific Articles of Confederation, which, in course of I time, yielded to the United States Constitution. This is the present bond of Union. It is the Federal Constitution that makes the several States the UNITED STATES. Annul that in strument, and you will find the several States^ each in full pos- >session of its primitive sovereignty, with all its prerogatives; but there will be no United States, no Federal government, no ii united Empire to which an oath of allegiance could be given. To one part of the engagement your attention is particular- i ly directed: “the pledge to support the integrity of the Union”— Uaye, the “integrity” of the Union; the entireness of the Union. I Remember the bond that holds the States in union is the Federal vConstitution. Can the entireness of the Union be preserved Kotherwise than by the preservation of this bond ? Cast away 1 this bond, and the Union is at an end. The oath then, obliges a to support the Constitution in its true spirit and1interest, as it I is that which [gives existence to the Union, in its present form, which holds the States in union, and without which the Union q must cease.” These statements from Doctor McMaster are food for thought >for the young ministers1’ of our dhurch; and for a fuller state- j ment, see MEMOIRS, page 136. The contention seems to have been principally on the ques- I tion, is the Constitution immoral? The Doctor reduces it to the ; lo.m ol a syllogism. “To no imm ral government may an oath of allegiance be i; gi ven. "But an oath of allegiance may be given to the (U. S. Gov- ■ eminent. "'therefore, the government is not immoral.” (see MEM- JO IRS, page 141). In the year 1802 Doctor McLeod took the initiative in oppos- | ing the evil of Slavery, which at that time was all too common 1 in the Northern part, of the United States, and so vigorously ^pressed the opposition that within a few years, so far as the | Reformed Presbyterian Church is concerned, slavery was a thing I of the past. In the year 1804 Doctor McLeod composed and published | a little book, the Ecclesiastical Catechism, setting forth the 1 Scriptural claim for the divine authority of the Presbyterian
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