A Historical Sketch of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Synod

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE 85 two pastorates covered a period of IllOO years. Daring Rev. Smi­ ley’s pastorate, the congregation moved their place of worship from Eden to Sparta, and the present pastor, Rev. R. W. Stew­ art, has begun to make another record, which we hope may make another half-century record. The Western Presbytery was organized soon after the in­ stallation of Rev. Samuel Wylie, in 1821. The first places for preaching were under trees, in barns and cabins. The first house of worship was a frame building 28x40. On Feb. 11, 1830, they decided to build a brick church, and the sum of 800 was raised and the work began immediately. Thus we see the start­ ing point from which the work in Southern Illinois was carried on for many years. Later on the Grand Cote congregation of Coulterville, 111.; Concord of Cutler, 111.; Unity, of Lively Grove, Washington Co., 111.; Walnut Hill, Marion Co.,-111.; Hill Prairie, Marissa, St. Clair Co., 111.; were all organized and were for years prosperous. Oth­ er congregations listed as late as 1871 were Princeton, Ind.; Salem, Ind.; Hephzeba'h, Lincoln Co., Tenn. The Republican City congregation was organized on Jan. 20, 1871. Later, the Washington congregation, near Elgin, 111., was added to the roll. In the eighties, Cedarvalley, Denton Co., and Barclay, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, were added, and in the nineties, Los An­ geles, and Salinas, Cal.; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Fairview, 15 miles farther north; and Glendale and Prior Lake, 20 miles south of Minneapolis, were organized and on the Presbyterial roll. Thus, we can see the rapid growth in small new organiza­ tions that sprang up under the mis. ionary efforts of those days. Some were weak, but all of such importance that by ^proper care and cultivation they might have beome large or lived to be use­ ful. We are not sure of the dates of the organizations of Con­ cord and Grand Cote, but they were organized soon after that ol Bethel. Hill Prairie was organized in 1843. Rev. M. Har-