A Historical Sketch of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Synod

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE 87 bers remained for many years, but most of them entered the United Presbyterian Ohurch. The Princeton congregation for many years, and untii 1870 was under the pastoral care of Rev. John McMaster. In a few years Rev. Robert Blair became pastor, resigning later to take charge of the Idaville congregation. The organization being weak became discouraged and was soon disorganized. We have no records of the Salem congregation in Indiana, and it was abandoned before the writer of this sketch entered the ministry. The Washington congregation, located in Kane Co., Illinois, and six miles west of Elgin, came into the Western Presbytery after the Chicago Presbytery was disorganized. In 1889 there were 35 members. For many years Rev. A. R. Gailey was their pastor, and Rev. D. McKinney was paster for a short time up to about 1885. The Republican City congregation was organized Jan. 20. 1871, by Rev. James S. Scott, vTho served as pastor until his death in 1889. Since then, Rev. D. J. White served for three years. He was followtd by Rev. L. A. Benson, who took charge in 1904, and served until his death in 1942. They still worship in the old church that was built in 1871 and 1872, being the first ‘fciiurch edifice built in Clay Co., Kansas. At present they are enjoying part time supplies. * The Los Angeles congregation was organized by Dr. David Steele, D. D., in 1891. Rev. S. M. Ramsey served a>s pastor un- ■a* ■ •- .. j * til his death in 1931. The Salinas, Cab, congregation was or­ ganized about the same time, and wras visited by a few of our ministers later, but as it was impossible to furnish them with regular preaching they eventually disbanded. In the early eighties, part of the Oedarvalley, U. P. Church, west of Vinton, Icrwa, applied for admission and was admitted in­ to the Western Presbytery and Rev. H. H. Brownell, formerly of idaville, Ind., was pastor until 1890. After his resignation, they either emigrated farther west or returned tp the United Presbyteraien Church.