In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.
12 IN MEMORIAM was with difficulty that anyone traversed the highways, choked with snow as they were; nevertheless a large concourse of people fol– lowed the. remains of this revered man of God to their last resting place. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were Rev. and Mrs. Andrew S. Creswell, of Coulterville, Ill.; Rev. E. M. McFadden, D. D., a cousin of Dr. Chesnut, and Mrs. W. H. Emig, from Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. L. A. Benson, from Clay Center, Kansas; Mr. Wm. Marshall (a cousin) from Morning Sun, Iowa; Miss Nancy Gallagher, Mrs. Moore Patton, Mr. Alex. Russell, and Miss Ethel Lamont, of Coulterville, Ill. ; and Mr. A. Y. Reid from Cincinnati, Ohio. The richness, the profusion, the beauty of the floral tributes to this good man, could hardly have been excelled. · Besides tributes coming from various friends, there were beautiful contributions from the college, from the Seminary, from Dr. Chesnut's Bible Class and other church organizations. A beautiful spray from the Coulterville Congregation spoke most fittingly of the esteem and sin– cere affection in which he is held by that con– gregation which he served so long. All the business houses of Cedarville closed during the hours of the funeral as a mark of esteem for Dr. Chesnut. When Mrs. Chesnut returned home after the funeral she found a letter of sympathy from Mayor C. M. Hamil, of Coulterville, and a copy of the printed proclamation closing all business ho.uses in Coulterville during the hours of the funeral.
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