In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

16 IN MEMORIAM of which he was the secretary, and for which he had rendered efficient service for years; the Board of Trustees of Cedarville College, of which he was secretary; the Board of Superintendents of the Theological Seminary, and many other organizations, expressed in resolutions the high regard in which Dr. Chesnut is held and the deep sense of loss which is experienced everywhere. Synod Memorial Service. At the meeting of General Synod, in May, 1918, a committee was appointed to arrange a program for a Memorial Service. The Com– mittee submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted : 1. That the Memorial Services be held Sab– bath, May 19, 1918, at 11 o'clock A. M. 2. That the Moderator of General Synod pre– side. 3. That the program be as follows : Psalm 103: 11-15. Invocation, Rev. Thomas Whyte. Psalm 90: 13-16. Scripture Lesson, Psalm 91, Rev. John Parks. Prayer, Rev. W. P. Harriman. Remarks by Rev. Alexander Savage, D. D., Rev. R. W. Chesnut, Ph.D., Rev. John B. Wilson, D, D., Ph. D., Rev. L. A. Benson and Rev. W. J. Smiley. Prayer, Rev. W.R. McChesney, D. D. Psalm, No. 45: 7-10.