In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 17 Benediction, Moderator Andrew S. Creswell. Respectfully submitted, W.R. MCCHESNEY, W. J. SMILEY, Committee. This program was carried out practically as arranged for. . Rev. J. B. Wilson, D. D., had engaged to preach in Xenia and could not be present. Rev. Ralph S. Elder was present and had a place on the program. The attendance was expressive of the deep veneration, the loving remembrance in which our beloved brother is held. A large audience gathered and joined feelingly in the services. The addresses were appropriate and impress– ive, abounding in praise and gratitude to God for giving us such a leader. The Committee was also authorized to pre– pare a Minute on the death of Dr. Chesnut, to be printed in the Advocate. They sub– mitted the following, which was unanimously adopted: "Your committee to arrange for the Me– morial Service for Dr. J. L. Chesnut would submit the following minute for your adop– tion as an appreciation of the services ren– dered by him during the twenty-five years of his ministry, twenty-two of which were spent in Coulterville, Ill., and the last three in Cedarville, Ohio. "While it may seem to ns that his sun has gone down while it is yet day, we would bow in submission to our .Heavenly Father who doeth all things well. "Dr. Chesnut was richly endowed by nature