In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

18 IN MEMORIAM and grace for the work of the ministry, and specially fitted for the work to which he was called in this department of the Church. "He was of godly ancestry, his parents being members of the Reformed Presbyte– rian Church in Ireland. He was brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. "In the home was laid the foundation for success and service in reverence for God, His word, His holy day, His house, and His ordi– nances. "Dr. Chesnut was large physically, men– tally, morally, and spiritually. He laid all his gifts upon the altar. His genial counte– nance and hearty greeting brought gladness and joy to the desponding, and his large sym– pathy helped him to comfort them that mourn. He was faithful in every position he was called to fill. · "The suffering of his closing days he endured with a patience and fortitude until he h.eard the welcome 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.' "The sympathy of Synod goes out to the bereaved family. "As a Synod we are reminded of the words of the Master, 'I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day.' Of our departed brother we may say : " 'Thy day is come-not gone ; Thy life is now beyond the reach of change and death- Not ended,-but begun.' "Committee.'' "W. J. SMILEY, . "W. R MCCHESNEY,