In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 21 but that he had received fine instruction from the professor in this department. The same may be said of the others who have been teaching in the Seminary, and we hope that they may send out many more such scholars. "On Thursday, the 9th, at a called meet– ing of Presbytery, Mr. Chesnut was exam– ined in Theology, Church History, Reforma– tion Principles, and motives for entering the ministry. He delivered an excellent expos– itory lecture from Eph. 3 : 14-19; and a sermon from Rev. 2: 10, last clause. The discourses were eloquent and energetic. '.l,'he examinations and discourses were then unan– imously approved by Presbytery. In the afternoon Rev. R. W. Chesnut preached the ordination sermon from Prov. 11 :30, last clause. The usual queries then being put to the pastor-elect and the congregation, Mr. J. L. Chesnut was duly by prayer and by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery ordained to the gospel ministry and installed pastor of the Coulterville Congregation. "Rev. R. W. Chesnut delivered the charge to the pastor, and Rev. W. J. Smiley deliv– ered the charge to the congregation. On motion, the name Rev. J. L. Chesnut was ordered to be entered upon the roll of Pres– bytery. Thus another pastoral relation with this congregation has been sealed, and we trust it may be for the glory of God. Both pastor and congregation enter upon their work under the most favorable circum– stances. One year ago we had only three ministerial members in Presbytery; now we