In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 25 pray that the Great Shepherd of the Sheep may not only have them in his care and keeP– ing, but may soon send them another shep– herd, who shall go in and out before them, and lead them into the green pastures and by the still waters, taking up the work laid down by Dr. Chesnut. (R. P. Advocate, Februar.y, 1915, page 21.) Removal of Dr. Chesnut. "The removal of Rev. James Lyons Ches– nut, D. D., from Coulterville, Ill., to Cedar– ville, Ohio, ·is a matter of interest to every Reformed Presbyterian. He stands high in our Church, and is widely and favorably known in the councils of other denominations. For twenty-two years he has been laboring in Coulterville and community and has earned for himself the name of 'Bishop' of that part of the coup.try. It was only after great searching of heart that he decided to leave the people whom he so greatly loved, and by whom he was so greatly loved. The Cedar– ville Congregation, after an interregnum of a year and a half will enter into the Chris– tian work with new vigor and cheer. "But we must not forget the charge which has been vacated. As one of the most im– portant and most faithful congregations of our Church, its light must not be permitted to go out. The best testimonial that it can present of the value of Dr. Chesnut's work .among them will be to carry on the work as vigorously as if he were still there, and bridge the chasm until another pastor is secured.