In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.
JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 3 care and fellowship of the Western Presby– tery, and on February 9, 1893, was ordained and installed pastor of this faithful congre– gation, which he had served with much acceptance during the preceding summer. Thus began a pastorate which has become historic throughout the Church. Soon the people of Coulterville and surrounding com– munities became aware of the fact that .a prophet indeed had settled among them ; blessed ties of friendship were formed which many regard as the rich experiences of life. In Dr. Chesnut every right-minded person had a valued friend; high and low, rich and poor, knew him as a warm, kind-hearted friend and wise counsellor; and his ability to bring comfort and consolation to sorrow– stricken hearts gave him a worth possessed by few. Frequently the passing of the years of this pastorate were marked by anniver– sary celebrations, and always the tie between pastor and people became more close and precious. At length the congregation showed its appreciation of the pastor and his family by the erection of a splendid manse. The twentieth anniversary celebration was prepared with special care, and as ever the generosity of the Coulterville people was dis– played in the offerings which they brought. In responding, Dr. Chesnut told the people that he had been with them too long to be surprised by them; he knew them; that the only way in which they could surprise him would be to do something little or mean; that would surprise him, he said; but he knew that they would not do it.
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