In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.
26 IN MEMORIAM This is the way to prove that they have a name to live. Our best wishes and hopes are with them during this testing time." (Reformed Pres. Advocate, February, 1915, page 30.) Dr. Chesnut Welcomed to Cedarville-Newly Installed Pastor and His Wife Are Greeted by 200 People at Reception Held in Church Parlors. "Welcoming their newly installed pastor, the Rev. J. L. Chesnut and his wife, 200 mem– bers and friends of the Reformed Presbyte– riaH congregation of Cedarville attended a reception held in the church parlors Thurs– day evening. In receiving line with the guests of honor were Dr. and Mrs. W. R. McChesney, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Creswell and venerable J. R. Orr. After the guests had all assembled they were conducted to the din– ing-room of the church, where a delicious two-course supper was served. The tables were prettily decorated with pink and white carnations and a candelabrum with pink shaded candles was used as a centerpiece. The toast program and menu bore a splendid likeness of Dr. and Mrs. Chesnut. "Seated at the speakers' table with the honor guests were the Rev. W. R. McChes– ney and Mrs. Martha Morton, J. H. Stor– mont, chairman of the church; Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Ritchie, and Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Foster, of Clifton; Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Patton, of Yellow Springs; and the elders of the church
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