In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

28 IN MEMORIAM the late Dr. J. F. Morton, for 40 years pastor of the R. P. Church of Cedarville. Although in her 83d year, Mrs. Morton gave a very charming talk, which was largely re:rpinis– cent and concerned the early history of the Church. "Dr. Chesnut responded to all of the talks in a very witty, happy little speech, in which he said he was very glad to be in Cedarville and asked for the co-operation and assist– ance of the congregati(m in carrying on his work. Dr. Chesnut preached his first sermon at Cedarville last Sabbath. Previous to com– ing to Cedarville he was pastor of the R. P. Church, at Coulterville, Ill., for twenty-two years. He has numerous friends in Cedar– ville made tprough his frequent visits there, and does not come as a stranger to their midst." . Memorial Tributes. From Rev. J. C. French, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Synod), who was located for a number of years near Dr. Chesnut: "He was a man of God in whose life were exemplified the teachings of the Master whom he served. He was an able and fearless ex– pounder of the Word of God, and was never happier than when performing this service. "God had endowed him with graces and a courtesy that made him the friend of all who knew him. He was a royal companion, a genial conversationalist, and his life and in– spiration to higher and better things. The world is better because of the life that he